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Beyond the Paywall: Your August membership and audience to-dos

We’re now accepting scholarship applications for this fall’s Independent News Sustainability Summit in Austin to help offset the cost of travel and hotels.

Scholarships will range between $250 – $1,000 per individual, and the first round of recipients will be chosen shortly after the early-bird ticket period ends on Aug. 19.

Learn more and apply for a travel scholarship to attend the Summit.

And now on to your August to-dos!


Stacy Fernández
Marketing & Communications Manager

August Audience and Membership To-Dos

🤖 Update the copy in your automated emails. The beauty of automated emails is that once you set them up your work is largely done, but you should still review and refresh them every six months or so to ensure they’re accurate. Here are a few things to check as you review your automations:

  • Is this email being sent from the right person?
  • Are there mentions of staff who no longer work there?
  • Are there more recent articles we’d prefer to highlight?
  • How are individual emails performing (you can check this through the open and click-through rate)? Based on performance, which emails do I want to keep and which should we experiment with?

🗳 Prepare for election season. In the coming months voters will spike the traffic on your site looking for election-related information. Get ahead of the influx by preparing your newsletter and donation calls-to-action (CTAs) and optimizing relevant evergreen stories.

💫 Survey your engaged subscribers. Now is a great time to send a short survey out to the most engaged readers in your email list who aren’t currently donors. Ask what’s keeping them from becoming a member and what would motivate them to donate. This information can help inform your campaign strategy (and course correct messaging that isn’t resonating) ahead of fall and end-of-year fundraising.

If you want to explore how the News Revenue Hub’s services and campaign support can help you get back on track to reach your goals, learn more here. On average, members see a 68% revenue increase following their first calendar year with the Hub. 


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